Saturday, 16 May 2009

Out they go

After a change of plan we returned to the allotment this afternoon to plant out the things we saw this morning. Jean planted a row and a half of spring onions out. They do look a bit odd in their cardboard tubes but we hope this is the best way to get them growing to a size to harvest quickly. the little ring of cardboard above the soil give a little protection while they are small, but the cardboard below the ground just melts away so there is no restriction to their roots. Last year we grew spring onions by sowing them them in a tray and then planting them out in clumps. This was OK, but having them as separate plants will be interesting. We have used a similar process for our parsnips and they look great now. It works so well we might give the same process a try with carrots, which, like parsnips, don't like their roots disturbed.

I quickly built a wigwam from canes for our runner beans to grow up. Last year I built a frame with a plastic mesh for the beans to climb. I had to add extra string for each bean to grow up because the mesh was too short. The frame was fastened down with wire guy lines pegged with big wooden pegs. When the beans were in full bloom the wind broke the frame and it blew down. This time we're growing fewer bean plants and the wigwam is simple enough to hold them.

Jean planted out the cabbages, some spinach and and a few of extra peas, all of which look strong. I added some dangling CD over the spinach and cabbage to keep the birds off, lets hope they work.

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