Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Nearly done

The digging is nearly done. There are a few bits left to dig and there's still some weeding to do where we don't want to dig deeply, such as between the fruit bushes. It feels like the bulk of the work is over.

The white markers are there to lay out the plot. I have been working out what will fit where.  The general layout is still what we decided last autumn, but I still need to work out how many plants we want in each area. We have about 100 leeks started and we could fit in about 160, so we will sow some more.

We want to grow carrots this year.  The carrot plot is the one part of the main area that has not been dug over. It seems that to grow carrots we need to have very finely dug soil and we should cover them with fleece over hoops.  We have covered our parsnips like this (the white tent in the top of the picture). We may need some more hoops and fleece. We will dig the carrot patch at least twice to get it fine, and do so when it is quite dry.

Any suggestions for growing carrots are welcome.

1 comment:

Kim said...

My grandad taught me how to grow carrots, and they respond better if you dig sand in to their bed. Still the best carrots I ever grew were in a bucket!